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Here to serve you with the utmost care, preserving your cherished heirloom so it will endure and carry on your family progeny for generations to come; at all times understanding and respecting the emotional value each piece embodies, giving back a small slice of happiness.

The value of an heirloom is priceless for it embodies the treasured memories of days gone by; those special moments that will never be forgotten as if to etched into all eternity. It is the quest of Family Heirloom Furniture Restoration to rekindle those fond memories by instilling the spark of life back into each piece so it can live once again for generations to come.

The Art of The Craft




Why art? Because I had to mimic the appearance of a piece using my intuitions acquired from experience. My creative genius was challenged, forcing it to emerge. This is why I love my craft so much. My job was to change the color and effect of a prefinished cabinet.The color difference between what they had and what they wanted was like “night and day.” My understanding of coatings and their application was immeasurable to the success of this project. I owe it to experience. The challenge was how to begin and decide on a methodology that would be the most efficient, and yet produce the most effective result.

The challenge was how to begin and decide on a methodology that would be the most
efficient, and yet produce the most effective result.

The 1”×6”×30” wood stained sample board I was to match rests vertically centered
between the two doors. There are actually three different colors within the sample
board. The effect was completely faux.

The Stickley



I am proud to announce that Family Heirloom Furniture Restoration had the privilege to restore this original 1910 “Mission Style” table and chairs manufactured in Grand Rapids, Michigan by the Stickley Furniture Company owned by Albert Stickley.

19th Century Saratoga “camelback” Trunk





Details, details, and more details, it’s all about the details, that is what this project awarded me. It was a challenge for patience, precision, and methodology.

The trunk was made by the Abel & Bach Trunk Company in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (see photo). I am not a “knower” of trunks, but my research leads me to believe this trunk was made in the late 19th century. It is said this style of trunk was designed for the “well-to-do” and was coined the name Saratoga because many vacationers used these trunks as they traveled to Saratoga Springs, New York. Saratoga was known for its spas and racetrack. In the case of the owner, Aina Lasky, she believes it was used by her great grandmother while crossing the Atlantic when emigrating from Finland to the United States; her chronology is fitting for the manufacture of this trunk.



I’ve been in the finishing industry since 1981 starting out as a painting firm which I named Lakeside Painting located in East Troy, Wisconsin. In 1983 I formed a partnership, which we then incorporated, and from that point on the business flourished. My partner and I were young men in our mid-twenties at the time and had thirteen painters working for us. I quickly realized big isn’t always better; at least for me anyway. My personal touch was disappearing and my talents were becoming more that of an administrator and not a craftsman.

Furniture Repair & Refinishing Process


Parts Repair

Pieces of furniture often come to me with varying degrees of damage. Parts either have to be reproduced, replaced, repaired, or simply re-glued. Most times damage is taken care of in the first stage of my process.


The stripping process involves a flow-over system in which the stripper is flushed over a piece continuously until the finish softens and then can be scrubbed off. At the end of scrubbing the piece is rinsed with a light pressure-washing to remove all the small bits out of the crevices.


Finishing is the process of beautifying and protection. It can involve painting, glazing, staining and clear-coating whether a build or penetrating finish. Finishing techniques are many and varied. Finishes are either sprayed or hand applied or a combination of the two.

1904 Dewey Slot Machine

All my projects are memorable, but some stick out more than others. The 1904 Dewey slot machine I restored for the Burlington Historical Society is one of them. A challenge indeed, but I thrive on challenge, and this project was all of that. A solid oak cabinet that someone painted, and did a poor job at best.The inner workings are all mechanical, no electrical components. It is a true marvel; kudos to the mechanical geniuses who designed this machine.The intricacies and complexities are mind boggling. My job is simple in comparison.

The job entailed stripping off the old finish, sanding and filling, gluing and screwing  loose pieces and parts. The wood was stained and varnished. All the metal hardware was mostly plated cast iron and the handles were of a metal alloy. All metals were treated with metallic finishes.

It may sound simple, but it is labor intensive and detail oriented. One had to be diligent and careful to say the least.

I am proud, for this is a museum piece,  and now it’s preserved for years to come so people can enjoy its history and beauty.



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